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Dim light or partial power
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Wind Energy

Windmills have been used in farming and ranching communities for centuries to mill grain and pump water for animals and crops. Today, they're making a comeback as modern wind turbines generating electricity for both rural and urban areas. Wind turbines generate electricity by using large blades to harness the power of the wind. When the wind blows, the blades turn, driving a turbine that generates electricity. The stronger and more consistent the wind, the more potential for energy production.
  • Wind is a free renewable energy source, and with modern technology it can be captured efficiently.
  • Wind turbines operate without creating greenhouse gases or other pollutants.
  • Wind turbines are available in various types and sizes, meeting the needs of a variety of customers -- from single households to agricultural property owners.
  • Energy generated by a wind system can be used to offset your energy use, resulting in lower monthly energy bills.

1. Find a contractor

Hiring a contractor to help install your generating system? View our helpful tips for selecting the best contractor for your project.

2. Complete the application process

Your contractor will submit an online application. You'll need to provide a recent utility bill and a signed installation agreement to complete the application.

3. Connect your system

After the installation is complete, NV Energy will review your application and may conduct an inspection.

Legislation & Regulation

The solar electric, wind, hydro and solar thermal incentive programs are governed by state laws in the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS). The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) creates administrative rules for the programs in the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC).

Wind Resource Tools

Informational Links

Financial Resources

*Consult a tax professional for advice on completing these forms.